


现在是进入护理领域的大好时机. The current physician 和 护理 shortages have created opportunities for people to start, 成长, 并培养一个护理病人的护士职业. 进入这个行业并利用这些机会, 有抱负的护士需要完成几个步骤, 包括报名参加 护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全

For those wondering how long it takes to become a nurse, the answer is that it depends. 成为一名护士的具体步骤, 也就是需要多长时间, 这取决于个人希望成为的护士类型. 


The length of time required to become a nurse varies depending on the desired profession 和 the type of training program or 学位 an individual enrolls in.


Becoming a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or licensed vocational nurse (LVN) typically takes a little over a year, 虽然有些十大正规赌博平台大全可能更长. 在完成一个 实用护理文凭 或者证书课程, 哪些可以在短短15个月内完成, individuals need to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN) 和 then apply to get their license to practice. 


成为一个 注册护士(注册护士), individuals need a minimum of an associate 学位, commonly referred to as an 护理学副学士(ADN). 这个选项通常需要两年才能完成, 然后通过NCLEX-RN并获得执业执照. This can be the best option for people who want to enter the registered 护理 field as quickly as they can. This route also allows individuals to gain h和s-on experience in the field faster, which may be beneficial for those who wish to later earn an advanced 学位 和 further their careers. 

准注册护士也可以选择获得一份 护理学理学士 学位. 而副学士学位是注册护士的最低要求, a BSN can improve an individual’s employment opportunities in the 医疗保健 field, as many employers set a BSN as the minimum educational requirement for 护理 jobs. A BSN may also increase a nurse’s potential for advancement into jobs with greater responsibilities.

获得BSN所需的时间长短各不相同. If the individual already holds an ADN, the program usually takes two years to complete. 如果他们在没有ADN的情况下进入BSN十大正规赌博平台大全, 该十大正规赌博平台大全通常需要长达四个学年才能完成. This time frame does not include the time required to pass the NCLEX-RN 和 become licensed.


Earning an ADN or a BSN allows individuals to enter into the 护理 field. For nurses who want to move higher up in the field 和 pursue roles in nurse leadership, 通常需要研究生学位.

拥有BSN的注册护士可以选择攻读硕士学位 护理学硕士(MSN). This advanced 学位 deepens nurses’ existing knowledge while also allowing them to focus their expertise on a 护理 specialization, 比如小儿科, 妇女的健康, 或者心理健康. 某些高级护士职位需要MSN,例如 护士 护士麻醉师. 

The length of time needed to complete an MSN program depends on the 学位 previously held. Individuals with a BSN can usually complete an MSN program in two to three years. Work experience also factors into the MSN; earning the advanced 学位 usually requires a minimum of 500 hours of clinical 护理 experience.

Nurses interested in advanced roles can also pursue a Doctor of 护理 Practice (DNP) 学位. This terminal 学位 allows nurses to fortify their expertise at the highest level, 包括在一个专业领域的背景下. 而DNP不需要高级护理角色, there is an ongoing push to make it the educational benchmark for certain professions.

有DNP的护士需要多长时间? As with other 学位s, it depends on what 学位 the individual already holds. For those with an MSN 学位, earning a DNP can usually take about one to two years. BSN 学位 holders who want to bypass an MSN 和 earn a DNP can expect the program to take about three to four years to complete.


护士的工作前景是光明的. The projected job 成长th for registered nurses between 2022 和 2032 is 6%, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), double the 3% average 成长th projected for all professions in that time period. 

随着人口老龄化和持续增长, 对护士的需求将随着这些趋势而增长.  There will also be generations of nurses retiring over the next 10 or more years so the opportunity for new 和 younger nurses to advance their careers will be required to fill the roles of those leaving the profession.

Those who continue their education 和 pursue advanced roles are expected to have abundant opportunities. 劳工统计局预测护士从业人员的就业增长, 护士麻醉师, 2022年至2032年间,助产士的比例将达到38%, 远高于平均水平.


护理不仅仅是一种职业. 这是一个改变人们生活的机会. 无论个人追求的护理水平如何, 以及达到护理水平需要多长时间, the work can be essential in helping a 医疗保健 facility deliver quality care that improves patients’ lives.

Fortis’ 护理程序 can help prepare you for a career in this critical field. 我们提供 护理程序 在很多地方,包括 实用护理文凭护理学副学士 程序选项. 了解我们如何帮助你实现成为一名护士的梦想.


美国护理学院协会,AACN简报- DNP
American Association of Colleges of 护理, 护理 Shortage Fact Sheet
American Nurses Association, How to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse
American Nurses Association, Types of Nurse Practitioner Specialties
Association of American Medical Colleges, AAMC Report Reinforces Mounting Physician Shortage
Indeed, How to Get a DNP Degree (Plus Definition, Benefits 和 常见问题)
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, 和 Nurse Practitioners